Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) in eVision

To access Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) you need to login to eVision and choose the Supervision Reporting menu. 

To find out more about what students, academic and administrative staff are able to do in GSR please see the Overview of Access webpage. For guidance on how graduate students and relevant staff use GSR see the How Reporting Works in GSR web page. For any other questions see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the User Guides web pages.



Overview and Latest Updates


GSR is used by graduate students, supervisors, college advisors, and Course Directors/DGSs to review students’ academic progress.

  • Students access GSR in Student Self Service
  • Academic and administrative staff access GSR in eVision (see right-hand menu)

When your reporting window opens, you will receive an automated email notification with everything that you need to get started in GSR.

Automated GSR notifications

All automated GSR email notifications to contributors are outlined in the Automated GSR Notifications   (Excel) document (NB each term is listed on a separate tab).

Latest Updates

The Hilary Term 2025 reporting window for students opens on Monday 3rd March 2025 and closes at 12pm midday on Friday 21st March 2025. The dedicated supervisor reporting window opens on Monday 24th March 2025. Training and quick reference guides are available for students on the website and for staff on the website. If you have any enquiries or encounter technical issues please contact the Student Systems Support Centre.
Reporting Dates for 2024-25

The standard reporting windows for the current academic year are listed below. Certain courses have alternative reporting windows, and where this is the case, your department will let you know. You will be reminded by an automated GSR email notification sent to you when your reporting window opens. 

Michaelmas Term 2024

  Open  Close
Student 25/11/2024 13/12/2024
Supervisor 16/12/2024 17/01/2025
DGS/Course Director/College Advisor 20/01/2025 21/02/2025

Hilary Term 2025

  Open Close
Student 03/03/2025 21/03/2025
Supervisor 24/03/2025 25/04/2025
DGS/Course Director/College Advisor 28/04/2025 30/05/2025


Trinity Term 2025

  Open Close
Student 09/06/2025 27/06/2025
Supervisor 30/06/2025 25/07/2025
DGS/Course Director/College Advisor 28/07/2025 22/08/2025


Long Vacation 2025

  Open Close
Student 01/09/2025 19/09/2025
Supervisor 22/09/2025 17/10/2025
DGS/Course Director/College Advisor 20/10/2025 14/11/2025
GSR Super Users

In addition to the Student Systems Support Centre, which can help with queries about using GSR, super users in divisions will be able to provide local support. Super user contact details are listed below.

Division GSR super user contacts
Department of Continuing Education Contact

Erica Saracino

Jeremy Moyse

Pádraig O’Connor

Medical Sciences

Chris Higham
Teresa Greenwills
John Wells
Stephanie Tourbier

Helen Beauchamp
Paul Seage

Social Sciences

Andy Garlick

Clarice Hoole


Known Issues

eVision Graduate Supervision Reporting

Expand All

In some cases, peoples' titles may not show correctly in Graduate Supervision Reporting.

System area:
Supervision Reporting: dashboards.

The source of this data can be amended by your local HR person or team.

This issue will affect Course Directors and DGSs with more than 100 contacts. On saving and submitting a report from the dashboard, there is an option to continue to the next report in the list, without returning to dashboard. Using this function, when you reach the final report on the page, the only option is to return to dashboard, there is no option to move forward to the next report on the subsequent page.

System area:
Supervision Reporting: dashboards. 

When you have reached the end of the list of records on the page, you will need to return to the dashboard in order to continue. 

If GSR access for a subject administrator, Course Director or DGS is made historic, the corresponding section still appears in GSR and related functionality may or may not work, depending on the user's other access in GSR.

System area:
Supervision Reporting: manage user access.

The Student Systems Support Centre will be able to update this.

When re-enabling access for a user, no automated email notification is sent to the user them telling them they have been given access.

System area:
Supervision Reporting: manage user access.

The workaround is currently to tell the user by sending a manual email.

System Availability

eVision Dataviews and Reports unavailable Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am

Dataviews and other Microsoft reports within eVision will be unavailable on Tuesday 25th March from 7am to 9am while essential changes. Note that this outage only impacts Dataviews and Reports therefore eVision will otherwise be available. Please see the Notices Page for further information.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)