TMS Access and Roles

There are different roles within TMS, that give users access to specific actions. You can assign multiple roles to a user, however, in line with University’s policy on data protection, it is important to ensure access to TMS is only granted to those who need it.

See also the Access and Data FAQs for further information. 

  • Manages and assigns the following user roles for their Org Unit in TMS:
    • Office
    • Finance Office
    • Tutor Authoriser
    • Senior Tutor
    • Reviewer 
    • Organising Tutor with approval permission (colleges)
    • Tutor with permission to assign Teaching Assistants

Here is a list of University Information Custodians (requires SSO login). If you think this list contains the wrong person for your Organisational Unit, please contact Student Systems. Likewise, if you are the Information Custodian (IC) for your Org Unit and you also need additional roles in TMS, please contact Student Systems who can assign these for you. As an IC, you cannot assign roles for yourself but you can view your own access to TMS via Manage User Roles.

This is an administrative role for college and departmental staff. Access to college and departmental administration roles is granted by the relevant Information Custodian. Here is the list of University Information Custodians (requires SSO login).  

Departments will need to set up their tutors and org units in TMS if they need to receive payment for college teaching (irrespective of whether that teaching is organised by the department or by the college). In addition, departments can optionally use TMS to organise their own teaching.  

  • Manages Org Unit details  
  • Manages user profiles. This means:  
    • Authorising teaching and non-teaching (Organising or Pastoral) Tutors  
    • Adding and deactivating Org Unit profiles  
    • Adding stints  
  • Manages own Org Unit payment rates  
  • Manages teaching arrangements for own Org Unit   
  • In a department, can also create teaching arrangements for college managed teaching  
  • Processes academic reports and payment claims for own Org Unit  
  • Runs own Org Unit management and statistical reports  
  • Manages payment reports for own Org Units
  • Manages payment rates for own Org Units

This is a new role for TMS that might be used by HR staff. If you already have the Office role, then you don't need this role as well  

  • Manages Tutor profiles for own Org Unit  
  • Authorises teaching staff  
  • Acknowledges reports flagged for the Senior Tutor’s attention
  • Views and exports Org Unit academic reports
  • Views all Org Unit details, and Global Payment details
  • Views and exports Org Unit academic reports

Academic staff who have been authorised by a college to act as an organising tutor and have been associated with one or more Student groups.   

  • Manages teaching arrangements for assigned students  
  • Flags feedback for Senior Tutor on assigned students’ college reports  

This is an additional user role that colleges need to give authorised Organising Tutors so they can accept academic reports.  

  • Has responsibility for the decision on marking academic reports as 'Accepted'.  

Academic staff will have access to relevant functions in TMS once authorised by a department or college office to act as a teaching, organising or personal tutor.  

  • Manages own college teaching arrangements   
  • Submits academic reports and payment claims (simultaneously)  

This is an additional user role that can be given to authorised Tutors so they can also assign Teaching Assistants to their own Teaching Arrangements:  

  • Allocates Teaching Assistants  

This is an administrative role, somewhat equivalent to an Organising Tutor in a college, where someone has been authorised by a department by creating an Organising Org Unit Profile and has been associated with one or more Student groups.   

  • Manages teaching arrangements for assigned students   
  • Flags feedback for Senior Tutors on college reports    

Academic staff who have been authorised by a college (or department) to act as a pastoral tutor and have been associated with one or more Student Groups. Sometimes Pastoral Tutor is called Personal Tutor. 

  • Has read-only access to reports for specific groups of Students  

Students will use TMS to view their academic reports and can sign up for department teaching if their departments have chosen to adopt this functionality.   

  • Reads reports  
  • Signs up for teaching, where set up by the faculty or department  
  • Receives notification if signed up to a departmental teaching session and details change, for example location, date, time  
  • Receives automated notification, sent at most weekly, if reports are available to view  

System Availability

All student systems available!

Please see the Systems Availability page for the status of each system. For scheduled downtime please see the Notices page for more information. 


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)