GSR overview of access

To access your dashboard please click on the Login to eVision link on the right hand side.

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  • View their own personal details, including a list of contacts
  • Submit their own self-assessment reports
    • In MPLS only, this includes the option to upload or complete a Preparing for Transfer or Confirmation form
  • Mark a concern when submitting their report
  • Create and complete a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) form within GSR (research students only)
  • View and print their own historic supervision reports

All enrolled graduate students are automatically given access to GSR in Student Self Service.

  • Set personal user preferences, for payments and email notifications
    • It is recommended that supervisors check their email preferences. Guidance is available on the GSR training materials page.
  • View their dashboard
    • Reports will show when reporting opens
    • Supervisors can edit reports as soon as students submit their self-assessment reports
  • Supervisors of research students can view Training Needs Analysis (TNA) forms
  • Search and view their students' historic reports - reports will be kept for six years from when students complete their course, in line with the University's Data Protection Policy

Supervisors are assigned relationships with students by graduate studies administrators (refer to graduate studies contacts). Access to GSR is set up based on these relationships.

External supervisors need a virtual access card form in order to access GSR in eVision

  • Set personal user preferences for email notifications
    • It is strongly recommended that Course Directors/DGSs review and manage their email preferences, particularly where Course Directors/DGSs have large numbers of students and wish to avoid receiving high volumes of notification emails. Guidance is available on the GSR training materials page.
  • View their dashboard
    • Reports will show when reporting opens
    • Supervisors will be able to edit reports as soon as students submit their self-assessment reports, and Course Directors/DGSs can review reports and comment at any time during a reporting period. 
  • Course Directors/DGSs can view research students’ Training Needs Analysis (TNA) forms. 
  • In addition a number of operational and management reports will be available for Michaelmas term reporting, e.g. reports showing:
    • People, by role, who have not submitted report
    • Submitted and unsubmitted report rates by role
  • Search and view their historic reports in their department/award programme/specialism - reports will be kept for six years from when students complete their course, in line with the University's Data Protection Policy

Access is assigned by GSR super users.

  • Set personal user preferences for email notifications -
    • It is recommended that college advisors check their email preferences. Guidance is available on the User Guides web page.
  • View their dashboard
    • Reports will show when the reporting period opens
    • Supervision reports will show as completed by students, supervisors and Course Directors/DGSs at any given point in the reporting period. It is recommended that college advisors review reports towards the end of the reporting period
  • College advisors can add the number of meetings they have had with their students at any point during the reporting period
  • Research students’ Training Needs Analysis (TNA) forms will be available in GSR
  • Search and view historic supervision reports for their students - reports will be kept for six years from when students complete their course, in line with the University's Data Protection Policy

College advisors are assigned relationships with students by college administrators. Access to GSR is set up based on these relationships.

  • Add missing report, delete a report submitted in error, or reopen a report for a supervisor or DGS
  • View dashboard for a specific DGS
  • Send email reminders to students, supervisors, and Directors of Graduate Studies/Course Directors, e.g. towards the end of the reporting window
  • Search and view historic supervision reports in their division/department/course (including bulk PDF download) - reports will be kept for six years from when students complete their course, in line with the University's Data Protection Policy
  • Run operational and management reports. These will include reports showing:
    • People, by role, who have not submitted reports
    • Submitted and unsubmitted report rates by role
    • Role assignment report showing current role assignment for Course
      Directors/DGS and subject administrator roles, so that existing
      data can be checked at any time

Access is assigned by GSR super users.

  • Send additional email reminders to college advisors
  • Run operational and management reports, for example, reports showing:
    • People, by role, who have not submitted reports
    • Submitted and unsubmitted report rates by role
  • Set personal user preferences for email notifications 
    • It is recommended that college administrators and college advisors check their email preferences. Guidance is available on the GSR training materials tab.
  • Search and view historic supervision reports in their college (including bulk PDF download) - reports will be kept for six years from when students complete their course, in line with the University's Data Protection Policy.

Access is assigned by College Information Custodians.

Do everything that a subject administrator can do, and:

  • Set reporting windows/rules for specific courses, where different from default
  • Set and manage control flags for the new Long Vacation reporting window
  • Change course recharge code
  • Grant and remove access to subject administrators, Course Directors, and DGSs
  • MPLS only: grant and remove access to assessors, scan and upload Milestone Assessor reports

Access is assigned by Divisional Information Custodians

  • View their students' Preparing for Transfer or Confirmation forms

Access is assigned by Subject Administrators.

Student Systems Support Centre (SSSC): Service Status

Following issues encountered on Friday 19th July, the SSSC are now operating as normal however our CRM tool (OSM) is still running slowly so please be aware that we may not receive new enquiries as quickly as normal but we will still aim to respond as soon as possible.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)