How reporting works in GSR

Students, their supervisors, Course Directors and DGSs can all view each others’ reports and comments, can flag a concern about the students’ academic progress, and mark their concern as resolved (details are in the ‘Flagging concerns’ section below). DGSs can also submit an overall comment on concerns raised.

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Each term, students use GSR to complete a self-assessment report on their academic progress, and raise any concerns or issues regarding their academic progress. PGT students are also asked to identify skills developed and training undertaken or required, whereas PGR students can submit completed Divisional Training Needs Analysis forms in GSR. PGR students will also be asked to complete a report during the Long Vacation (summer), and depending on their programme of study PGT students may also be asked to report.

Students are encouraged to use the opportunity to:

  • Review and comment on their academic progress during the reporting period
  • Measure their progress against the timetable and requirements of their programme of study
  • Identify skills developed and training undertaken or required (PGT only)
  • Submit a completed Divisional Training Needs Analysis form at least annually (PGR only)
  • List their engagement with the academic community
  • Raise concerns or issues regarding their academic progress to their supervisor
  • Outline their plans for the next term (where applicable)

Reporting is strongly recommended for students, except for MPLS courses, where it is mandatory for students to report.

Supervisors then use GSR to review their students’ self-assessment reports, assess skills and training needs, and report on their students' academic progress. At the same time as completing their reports, supervisors can opt in or out of receiving payment if they wish, except in the Long Vacation when no payment is made. Note that in this respect, GSR is simply the mechanism through which payment is triggered - payments are for provision of supervision, not reporting per se, and supervision reporting is a regulatory requirement.

Course Directors and Directors of Graduate Studies (DGSs) can view all reports and submit comments at any point during the process.

College advisors can also view all reports related to their students, and are asked to record the number of meetings with their student, but cannot submit written comments.

Students, their supervisors, Course Directors and DGSs  can all view each others’ reports and comments, can flag a concern about the students’ academic progress, and mark their concern as resolved. DGSs can also submit an overall comment on concerns raised.

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Student Systems
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Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)