Getting access to eVision

Access to eVision for staff is managed through your Information Custodian

  • As an active eVision user you will automatically be included in the mailing lists and membership of these mailing lists is mandatory. See the Mailing List policy and the Data protection pages

Some permissions (graduate admissions, college records, GSR super users) require training to be completed before access can be released. 

eVision College Records Access Levels

For specific guidance on College Records access levels see the College Records in eVision webpages.


Getting your eVision access

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What access do I need? 
Simply identify the administrative task you need to complete. The type of task you need to do will be described within one of the access roles, don't worry you don't need to know exactly what access role you need.

Who is my Information Custodian?
A list of Information Custodians is available from this website. Alternatively, log into eVision and select the 'Access and Support' option on menu along the top of the screen, look at the box 'Gaining Access to Student Systems' and the link ‘View my Information Custodian’.


What should I tell my Information Custodian?
It would help your Information Custodian if you told them your Single Sign On (SSO) identification and the type of administrative task you wish to complete. Sometimes, it can really help if you know of another member of staff within your College/Department/Faculty/Division who has the type of access you need. Your Information Custodian can check their access and give the same to you.

You should receive a confirmation email to inform you that the new access is active and immediately available to use.


My Information Custodian has added the access I needed, why don’t I have it?
The access your Information Custodian may have added access that requires either mandatory training or requires further authorisation. If training is required, you will be contacted by the Student Systems Support Centre to arrange training. After successful completion of training, the access will become active. If further authorisation is required, a request is immediately sent to the authoriser (typically a member of staff in AAD central administration team(s)) to authorise the access. You will receive an email notification as soon as the access has been approved and it will be active immediately. This authorisation is usually completed within one working day.


How can I check the access I already have or the status of ‘pending’ access?
Log into eVision and select the 'Access and Support' option on the menu along the top of the screen, look at the box 'Gaining Access to Student Systems' and the link 'View my current eVision access permissions'

Log into eVision and view the menu along the top of the screen, depending upon the access added - you may see an additional menu option OR within an existing option you may see additional link(s) in the main window.

System Availability

All student systems available!

Please also see the System Availability page for details of the status of each system. For scheduled downtime please see the Notices page for further information.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)