Mailing list policy

Occasionally the Student Systems Support Centre (SSSC) may email you as an active eVision user for the following reasons:

  • to inform you of any changes to system availability, such as planned downtime, ‘at-risk’ periods and any unexpected downtime, and will update you when normal service will resume
  • to inform you of any new or significant changes to functionality which may affect you. These targeted emails will be based upon your existing eVision access and should mean you only receive emails regarding areas of eVision which you use. If you receive emails regarding areas of eVision which you do not use, then please check with your Information Custodian (IC) to ensure any historic access has been removed from your login
  • to inform you of any eVision upgrades which may affect when you can access eVision or how functionality may appear to you.
  • to allow you to feedback on the service you have received from the SSSC and the usefulness and usability of the eVision functionality, such as in the context of the User Experience Survey.

The number of emails you receive from the SSSC will be kept to a minimum to inform you of any essential information and provide you with an opportunity to feedback to us. The Student Systems Notices webpage and the getting help with eVision page are also useful sources of information for any system availability, new functionality and planned upgrades. Where new functionality has been released or changes to existing functionality have been made then the eVision User Guides and Documentation on the Student Systems webpages will also be updated and/or created in order to provide you with up to date support.

System Availability

eVision and SITS:Vision unavailable on Tuesday 18th February from 7am to 9am

eVision (including Student Self Service and Graduate Applicant Self Service) and SITS:Vision will be unavailable from 7am to 9am on Tuesday 18th February for essential maintenance. Please see the Notices page for further details.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)