Implementing a Student Support Plan

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If students have stated that they have a disability on their UCAS form, they will be contacted by DAS directly. If instead a student informs the department or college directly that they have a disability, advise the student to register with DAS, or contact DAS directly if the student gives permission.

The department Disability Coordinator should work with colleagues to ensure there is detailed information on its website about the requirements of the programme (nature of examinations and assessments, competence standards), and types of teaching (tutorials, classes, lectures, practicals, fieldwork). This will enable the student and their disability advisor to assess what adjustments may be needed.

As part of their Equality Act duties, colleges and departments must take steps to anticipate the needs of incoming disabled students, and must not wait until a Student Support Plan (SSP) has been received. Offering an orientation visit, so that the student has an opportunity to identify some of the adjustments they will need, and to meet their Disability Coordinators, is a useful starting point for this process.

For those with mobility or sensory impairments,  DAS will inform the relevant college and department where there are likely to be adjustments required to buildings. Disability Coordinators must work with Estates Services to put in place access adjustments prior to the student's arrival on-course.

Further information

Transition to University for disabled students

Building adjustments and access

  • Once the SSP has been finalised, it will be shared with Disability Coordinators on e-Vision. It will also be shared with Estates Service, the examination Schools and the Disability librarian where there are relevant adjustments recommended in these areas.
  • Read it carefully. Note down a list of action points and any queries for the student or for DAS that arise out of the SSP.
  • Contact the student and/or DAS letting them know what action you plan to take and raising any queries you have.
  • Make a list of the course convenors the student will have in their first term, and notify others who will need to take action. The SSP should be shared securely on e-Vision rather than sent in an email. It should be shared with: college/departmental librarians; building managers/domestic bursar and safety officers; course convenors, personal tutors/supervisors; college welfare team; college porters.
  • Ensure you talk directly to those you have shared an SSP with to ensure they have read it carefully and understand what their role is in implementing the adjustments.
  • Ensure it is clear with whom responsibility lies to share information about adjustments with those providing teaching. Note that it is not always necessary to share the full SSP: it may be more appropriate to inform a lecturer, for example, that a particular student requires lecture materials in advance. There is no need to give full details of their disability or disclose the full SSP. See Sharing disability-related information section for further details.
  • For complex cases, the lead unit should arrange a case conference on receipt of the SSP.


Further information: Confidentiality and Sharing information

Carry out a risk assessment if this is recommended in the SSP or if a potential risk is identified by the college or department.

Work with the relevant building managers and safety officers to ensure a PEEP is completed for all buildings the student will be accessing (if recommended in SSP).

When term starts, arrange a meeting with the student to check that they are happy with the arrangements put in place so far and to identify any additional issues that have arisen since they talked with the Disability Advisor in DAS. Check that any adjustments to the built environment have been successful in enabling full access for the student.

Colleges should make an application to the Exam Schools for alternative arrangements to exams, if these are recommended. Approval should be in place to enable students to practice alternative arrangements in collections exams, to ensure that they are comfortable with the adjustments.

If major adjustments are needed that involve dispensation from exam regulations, an application should be made by the college to Education Committee via Education Policy Support. Departments should apply for alternative arrangements/dispensations for taught graduate students.

Further information

Implementing reasonable adjustments

Examinations and assessments

PEEP guidance

Each term - adjust the sharing rights on e-Vision to ensure that as the student changes papers, the new course convenors gain access to the SSP and the old convenors are removed. Each time ensure you have a personal conversation with the convenor to ensure they understand what adjustments are needed, and who is responsible for cascading adjustments information to others teaching on the course.

Before the end of the first term, meet/email the student to ask them whether the adjustments are being implemented, and whether any issues have arisen connected to their disability which are causing difficulties with their studies. Ensure that they feel you are available to them if they experience problems. Subsequently, the student should be contacted at least once a year, and once a term for complex cases, to check the effectiveness of provision.

Monitor the students’ progress on OxCORT (college DCs) or GSR (for department DCs). For students who are experiencing problems, contact the student and tutor to see if there may be disability-related issues that need to be addressed (e.g. exam or assessment arrangements).

Further information


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