LFD testing and self-isolation if students or staff have symptoms 1. Responsibility for the course 2022 Undergraduate University Open Days 300 state-school students supported at UNIQ Spring residential A Common Approach to Student Mental Health A level results and communications embargo period A reminder about harassment support A to Z of policies and guidance A-level results day and UCAS embargo A-level results day and UCAS embargo A-Z Index AAD News Alert AAD News Alert archive AAD senior appointments About disability About the Academic Administration Division About this guide About UAO Academic Administration Division - Staff contacts Academic Appeals Academic appeals, complaints and conduct Academic mitigations for students Academic Registrar's Briefing - Hilary 2020 Academic Registrar's Briefing - Michaelmas 2020 Academic Registrar's Briefing - Michaelmas term Academic Registrar's Briefing Trinity term 2019 Academic skills provision knowledge exchange event on 14 January Academic staff Academic Support website: please share your views Academic Support: Use of cookies on this website Academic transition support package introduced for 2021/22 academic year Access and Participation Plan Access and Participation Plan submitted Access to Inspera Accessibility Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform Accessibility Statement: eVision Accessibility Statement: Graduate Application Form Accessibility Statement: TMS Accessibility Statement: TUMS Custom Pop-up Windows Accessible and inclusive teaching Accessible communication Admissions Admissions Admissions Coordinator Admissions Officers Admissions timelines Admitting Tutor ADSS Advance notice: COVID-19 Hardship Fund for Students Advice about students returning to Oxford Advice for students and sessions for staff on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in academic practice AHCAAT AI in Education: Event series in Michaelmas term AI in teaching and assessment Alumni Relations Office Alumni support Annex A: Graduate induction in departments: examples of good practice Annex B: Integrated theses: guidance for divisional boards Annex C: Adjustments for disability: guidance for Directors of Graduate Studies Annual Admissions Statistical Report published Annual preparations Anticipatory duty Appeals Applicant and offer holder communications Applicant Feedback Application data Applications Applications for exam adjustments in eVision Applications open for new teaching recognition scheme Appointments of exam boards deadline Archiving & Inspera Arrangements for students after 17 May Arrangements for students for the remainder of the academic year Arrangements for students in Hilary term Arrangements from 17 May - information for students Arriving in the UK: updated testing and quarantine advice Assessment entry Assistive technology Astrophoria Foundation Year Astrophoria Foundation Year launched for under-represented students Astrophoria Foundation Year Student Systems update Astrophoria Foundation Year website launched Asymptomatic testing pilot launched for staff ATAS: Academic Technology Approval Scheme Attendance monitoring and change of student status Be prepared for Oxford railway station closures Behaviour after Examinations Black Academic Futures Scholarships for 2022-23 entry BMSAT Bodleian libraries update Bodleian Libraries update Brexit advice for students Building adjustments and access Call for short presentations: Teaching and Learning Showcase Campaign reminder: Stop trashing. Protect the community. CARE: Consideration And respect for Room-based Exams Careers Service Careers support for alumni Careers support for students Casework CAT Celebrate Sustainably and CARE campaigns Celebrating 10 years of internships at the United Nations Centre for Teaching and Learning goes live Ceremonies Change to email for student leavers Change to examination advice for student illness Change to research student examination submissions Changes Between Full-time and Part-time Study Changes to postgraduate research theses submissions Changes to Student Information team at Exam Schools Changes to testing rules Changing College Childcare: Student Maternity, Extended Paternity and Adoption Leave Christmas vacation travel testing for students Co-directorship of Student Welfare and Support Services announced Code of practice on the Students' Union Collaborative arrangements College counsellors College Records in eVision Colleges, departments and faculties Columns and saved views Committees Committees and panels Communicating with students Competition & Markets Authority Complaints Complaints and appeals review Confidentiality Confidentiality and sharing information Confirmation Consent for Students: new training programme Consumer Protection Compliance Contact Contact details for Fees and Funding teams Contact details for the Student Assessments team Contacts Lists Contextual Data Contextual data training course and admissions training Contingency planning for in-person exams Continuation Charges Continued focus on LFD testing this term Continuing Education Cookies and privacy Coronavirus (COVID-19): examinations and assessments advice Counselling Counselling services Course and assessment setup Course Information Courses and Colleges Coursework submissions COVID health advice for students Covid-19 Disruption COVID-19 health advice reminders COVID-19 Response: Protect our community. Protect the vulnerable. Protect yourself COVID-19 Scholarship Extensions Fund closing COVID-19 Scholarship Extensions Fund – next round of applications COVID-19 Scholarship Extensions Fund – third round open COVID-19 teaching and learning advice updated COVID-19 testing for students: Get tested twice, then twice a week Current students and Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Cyber Essentials certification Data cleansing exercises and progression process Data Protection (eVision) Data Protection and Information Security Data quality - maintaining student records Data security Data security relating to examinations and assessments Data security, support and archiving Decision processing Degree Ceremonies Degree ceremonies update Degree ceremonies update Degree ceremony booking opens 29 November Degree certificate ordering service reopened Degree outcomes statement Departmental reviews Digital education experience student feedback channel Digital exams Digitally Supported Inclusive Teaching Toolkit Disability Advisory Service Disability Advisory Service Disability Advisory Service (DAS) Student Support Plans (SSPs) now on eVision Disability and welfare Disability confidence: a directory of training resources Disability Inclusion Statement (SSP A) Disability Lead and Disability Coordinator Disability Lead and Disability Coordinator Disability support advice Disabled Students Allowance Dispensations Distance Learning Award-bearing PGT Courses Divisional Offices Divisional postgraduate research handbooks Dr Miranda Brawn Award 2021-22 Drop-in sessions this week for managing Inspera coursework submissions e-Assessment – Online Open-Book Exams – Key Facts EAP Payments systems going live Easter vacation information Easter vacation update Education Policy Projects Educational Recordings Policy Educational Recordings Policy published Educational visits within the UK– new guidance issued ELAT Emergency contacts for students: amended wording Encourage students to celebrate sustainably after exams Encourage students to take part in the National Student Survey Encouraging student disclosure Encouraging students to complete the Student Barometer Encouraging students to report LFD results End of term and Christmas vacation arrangements English Language Qualifications Enter the Vice-Chancellor's Awards Enter the Vice-Chancellor's Education Awards Equality, diversity & inclusion training programme Essay writing services now illegal Events eVision eVision known issues eVision training eVision User Guides and Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) Exam adjustments and problems completing assessments Exam adjustments for Hilary and Trinity term 2021 Exam Board for 2019/20 academic cycle Exam guidance for Michaelmas term 2020 Exam marking, results and ranking Exam orientation sessions for students Exam paper archive migrating from OXAM to SOLO Exam Paper Guide Exam Regulations webpages migration Examination adjustments Examination board meetings and reporting Examination entry Examinations and assessment framework (EAF) Examinations and assessments Examinations update: Hilary and Trinity term 2021 Examiner appointments and payments Examples of good practice Exams and assessment update Expansion of Crankstart financial support Expectations of Teaching and Assessment in Hilary term 2021 Expectations of Teaching and Assessment in Michaelmas Term 2020 Extensions External examiners External quality assurance External training, networks and mailing lists Face coverings in University buildings Fee Liability Fee Rates Fee Schedule Fee Status Fee-related student loan processes Fees and Continuation Charges Fees for students continuing study in 2024–25 Financial Assistance Financial Declaration Form - Online Process First offers made to prospective students for Oxford’s Astrophoria Foundation Year Fitness to Study Fitness to study, complaints and appeals Free speech framework for student events Frequently Asked Questions Getting Access to EAP Getting access to eVision Getting access to SITS:Vision Getting access to student systems Getting access to Tableau Server Getting help with EAP Getting help with eVision Getting help with Inspera Getting help with Oracle Service Cloud (OSC) Getting help with OxCORT Getting Help with Research Student Examination (RTDS) Getting help with SITS:Vision Give us your feedback on UAS websites Glossary Glossary of terms Governance and policy Graduate Access Graduate access programmes have begun Graduate admission applications up from 2018 Graduate admissions Graduate Admissions and Funding handbook: access section now available Graduate admissions cycle for 2023/24 entry open Graduate admissions cycle for 2025-26 entry opens this week Graduate Admissions Office now 'Graduate Admissions and Recruitment' Graduate admissions timetable for 2022/23 now available Graduate application deadline Graduate application fee removal – timeline and actions Graduate Scholarships Graduate Studies Administration Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) FAQs Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) in eVision GSR overview of access Guidance Guidance & policies Guidance for IT Officers Guidance on in-person teaching with face coverings Guidance on taught students taking part in project work Guidance on teaching remotely to students abroad HAT Have your say in shaping new student-staff partnerships toolkit Have your say in the Student Voices staff survey Health advice for students Health and wellbeing Health guidance for the remainder of Hilary term HESA financial support data Hilary term Academic Registrar's Briefing Hilary term Language Centre course enrolment open Home How reporting works in GSR Implementing a Student Support Plan Implications for study Improvements In-person exams In-person teaching in Trinity term Inclusive student life guidance shared with students Inclusivity resources created to help support disabled students Increase to undergraduate bursaries from 2023-24 Increases to undergraduate bursaries from 2022-23 Industrial action impact on examinations and assessments Infectious diseases Information Custodians Information for enrolling new students Information for new international students Information requests Information Security & Data Protection Training Information Security and Data Protection Initial information for students about the next academic year Inspera experience survey for staff and students International Opportunities International student updates Interviews Introduction of a new COVID-19 Student Responsibility Agreement Introduction of course fees – updates to on-course information Introduction to student surveys Invasion of Ukraine - new webpage and support for students Joint Panel on Remission of Fees Key concepts: Reasonable adjustments and inclusivity Language Centre course enrolment ends 12 October Language Centre to integrate with the Department for Continuing Education Last chance for students to have their say Latest COVID-19 information for students Launch of fee verification process Launch of the Academic Transition Support package Learn new skills and help your team improve local processes Learning a language LFD Collect tests available from week of Monday 24 May Libraries Libraries Link Counsellor Programme List of Information Custodians LNAT Loans for UK Postgraduate and International students Logins Mailing list policy Maintaining student records Making a referral Making changes to individual student records Marking and assessment boycott update Marking in Inspera MAT Matriculation Matriculation - June ceremony information Medical evidence and certificates Meetings and events Mental health awareness training MFA security update Michaelmas 2022 data cleansing Michaelmas term 2020 data cleansing schedule Michaelmas Term Teaching and Learning Survey MLAT Monitoring the student experience More information published about the Mental Health Task Force MyOxford app getting ready for launch in Michaelmas MyOxford Student App MyOxford student app launches next week MyOxford student app pilot National Student Survey (NSS) National Student Survey (NSS) response rate reaches publication threshold National Student Survey 2024 results New and returning student enrolment New cohort of Astrophoria Foundation Year students welcomed New consultancy service from the Centre for Teaching and Learning New course launched: tutorial teaching in the sciences at Oxford New Courses and major changes to courses New COVID-19 student hardship fund to launch at the start of Michaelmas term New Digital Education Strategy for Oxford New guidance for safely using Artificial Intelligence New guidance on teaching with face coverings New Harassment Advisors ready to support you New Hilary term sessions from the Centre for Teaching and Learning New inclusive teaching course for teaching staff New limits on postgraduate research students reinstatement New online consent programme New online guide launched for supporting disabled students New project looking at how students from diverse backgrounds participate in learning New report on AI in academic practice New resources for international applicants and offer holders New Student Surveys Network and 2023-24/2024-25 surveys update New survey for final year undergraduates New Teaching Management System (TMS) is now live New toolkit supports racially inclusive teaching at Oxford New workshops to support teaching toolkits News Non-appearance, mitigating circumstances and transcription Non-Payment of fees Non-standard applications Notifications NSS 2024 opening soon Offer holders and Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Offers Office of the Independent Adjudicator Online exams - retired Open-book exams in Trinity term 2021 Opportunity Oxford Orientation information for new students Other complaints Other surveys Other systems Our Services Overall Marks and Ranking - availability to students Overall Marks and Ranking - Key Facts Overview Overview of Inspera Oxford Against Sexual Violence Oxford Against Sexual Violence Oxford and the EU: Information for students Oxford awarded triple 'Gold' in the Teaching Excellence Framework Oxford communications survey for students Oxford Essentials Programme 2019 Oxford for Oxford – Making History workshop Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement Oxford networks and training Oxford students recognised as 2023-24 Future Leaders Oxford survey results influence Government policy Oxford Teaching Ideas: Practical Oxford-specific teaching resources Oxford Teaching Innovation Forum: share and discuss innovative teaching initiatives Oxford traffic filters briefing for University staff Oxford Transition Support for the 2022-23 academic year Oxford Transition Support review Oxford’s Access and Participation Plan approved Oxford’s application for Turing Scheme funding 2023-24 Paid Work Guidelines for Oxford Graduate Students Parks College – update on admissions Part-time Graduate Provision PAT Peer Support Programme Personal data breaches: prevent, report, protect Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) PhilAT Picture Credits Planning a student survey Planning for teaching and learning that retains the most valued aspects of the Oxford experience Plans for Trinity term 2021 examinations and assessments Policies Policy and guidance on research degrees Policy Governing Gifts from Families of Current and Prospective students Pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics Post Confirmation Post-offer Postgraduate experience surveys now live Postgraduate Taught Courses Postgraduate Taught Courses - Graduate induction in departments: examples of good practice Postgraduate taught courses: admissions Postgraduate Taught Courses: Assessment Postgraduate Taught Courses: complaints and appeals Postgraduate taught courses: induction Postgraduate taught courses: requirements for study Postgraduate taught courses: responsibilities of the student Postgraduate taught courses: teaching and learning Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) Postgraduate Taught, Recognised and Other Degree Students Pre-arrival information Pre-arrival student survey outcomes Pre-sessional courses Previewing the question set Procedures for the Annual Monitoring of Courses Processing of University card forms and Single Sign On details for new graduate students Proctors' Office Professional bodies Professional Services Conference - save the date and get involved Progression process Promoting responsible and sustainable behaviour around exams Proposed Changes to Statute XI Providing Education with Others Quality assurance Quality assurance governance Question sets Racially Inclusive Teaching Toolkit workshops available to book Reasonable adjustments to teaching Recognised students Recognised, Visiting and other student forms for 2021/22 entry Recording examination board meeting dates in eVision Reflections on Astrophoria's first year Register for a Student Registry orientation session Register for the Academic Registrar's Briefing: Michaelmas term update Register for the Academic Registrar's Briefing: Wednesday 17 November Register to attend this term's Academic Registrar's Briefing Registration Reminder about COVID-19 health advice Reminder to record scholarships on eVision Reminder: staff and student Hilary term feedback channels still open Remote invigilation for candidates unable to attend in-person exams Reopening outdoor sports facilities for students Reporting of late or missing assessment submissions Reports highlight changing use of student welfare services during the pandemic Research student examinations Research student exams Research students Residency arrangements for Hilary term Residency requirements in Trinity term Residing outside the University limits Residing outside the University limits and changing colleges Resources Resources for managing enquiries Resources for professional and personal development Resources to support students with revision and assessment Revised administrative processes for carry forward of assessment marks Revised arrangements for orientation events for International and European (non-UK) students Revised guidance on Lecture Capture recordings Roles and responsibilities Safety and support from a Safe Lodge Scholarship launched for graduate students from Ukraine Search the UAO Handbook Section 1 - Admissions Section 2 - Requirements for Study Section 3 - Induction Section 4 - Supervision Section 5 - Responsibilities of the student Section 6 - Researcher development (skills training) Section 7 - Examination Security Breaches - What to do Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week Sexual Harassment and Violence Share your views on AAD communications SharePoint Online Examining Sites Sharing disability-related information Shortlisting Sign up as a volunteer for the undergraduate Open Days Sign up for the Academic Registrar's Briefing Sign up for the Academic Registrar's Briefing: Long Vacation Sign up for the Empowering Oxford Educators workshop on 9 April SITS: Vision Upgrade SITS:Vision User Guides Social Media guidance Sport for students Staff and Student feedback channels reopened for Hilary term Staff blog: University Parks parkrun for everyone Staff harassment support and reporting Staff recognised in the Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards Staff training to support student mental health Statement on the overall Oxford student experience in 2020-21 Statistics Statistics and Reporting Statute XI amendments working group terms of reference Student assessments Student Barometer survey Student Barometer survey now open Student Barometer Survey results 2021 Student Barometer survey with new COVID-19 questions now open Student Conduct Student course transfer arrangements Student data Student Data Quality Policy Student Digital Voice Student Engagement and Representation Student feedback channel now open Student feedback channel reopened for Trinity term Student feedback reminder Student Fees and Funding Student Fees and Funding systems review project Student Handbook to be digital for 2019/20 Student health campaign: Stop the spread. Protect our community Student Information launches podcasts for new international students Student name pronunciations now available in Canvas Student privacy and record retention policies updated Student Privacy Policy updated Student Protection Plan Student records Student records Student Registration for Michaelmas term now open Student Registry Christmas closure dates Student Registry Orientation Student Registry Orientation for new and current staff Student Registry Orientation for new and current staff Student Registry Orientation for new staff Student Registry Orientation new staff Student report: supporting students' academic transition to Oxford Student Route (Student visa) Student statistics Student support and experience Student surveys Student Systems Student Systems eVision FAQs Student travel over the Easter vacation Student Union Student Union and Student Advisory Service Student vaccination survey Student vaccination survey Student Vaccination Survey results announced Student visas and immigration for current students Student visas and immigration for offer holders Student Welfare and Support Services Student Welfare and Support Services reports reflect increased demand for support in 2021-22 Student Welfare and Support Services reports show demand remained high in 2022-23 Students Students Students encouraged to take part in Oxford's Digital Transformation programme Students help nominate Oxford's new Vice-Chancellor Students reminded of the importance of continuing to keep everyone safe Study abroad, field trips and placements Success with the Undergraduate Open Days Support for students during the Christmas vacation Support statistics Supported systems Supporting disabled students Supporting neurodivergent students Supporting students with mental health disabilities Supporting students' academic transitions report Supporting talented black applicants through Target Oxbridge Supporting the student journey Suspension of studies Symptom-free testing: prize draws for students System Availability System notices Systems Systems help Systems Unavailable Tableau Target Oxbridge continues to support access to Oxford Teaching Excellence Framework Teaching Management System Teaching remotely in Hilary term Teaching space: arrangements for Hilary term Teaching space: arrangements for Hilary term Teaching space: cancellation of bookings at the start of Hilary Term due to the later return of students Teaching staff resources for supporting new students Teaching Unit Management System (TUMS) Temporary vaccination centres open for student and staff Testing for COVID-19 before the Easter vacation Testing for COVID-19' - Early Alert Service now open for all staff Tests The Common Framework for supporting disabled students The Equality Act The Oxford Migration Debate The Research Student Career (2) The return of students in Hilary term The Role of the director of graduate studies The role of the Disability Advisory Service The Student Support Plan The Student Support Plan The University's response to events in the Middle East The Vice-Chancellor's Colloquium Tips for preparing students for exams TMS Access and Roles TMS Quick Start Guide for Offices TMS Quick Start Guide for Tutors Town Hall consultation meetings for new Digital Education Strategy Training and Support Transcripts Transition to University Trashing: What a Waste Trinity Term Graduate Supervision Report (GSR) reporting window TSA UCAS UCAS embargo and results days UCAS Weblink UCAT UK Government proposed changes to international student visas Unauthorised use of AI in exams and assessment Undergraduate admissions Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach: first digital prospectus launched Undergraduate Admissions Handbook Undergraduate admissions interviews in December will remain online Undergraduate admissions tests and interviews Undergraduate admissions update Undergraduate Bursaries, Scholarships and Prizes Undergraduate interviews to take place online Undergraduate Learning and Teaching Undergraduate UK government support Understanding disability UNIQ and Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarship Internships 2022 UNIQ and Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships UNIQ and Wellcome Biomedical Vacation Scholarships application launch UNIQ 2022 decisions data UNIQ 2024 applications open UNIQ 2025 applications open University Awards Framework University Card and Single Sign-On (SSO) University Continuation Charge grace period extended for Hilary term University Staff Awards University strategy for Postgraduate Research Student Development University's PCR testing service to close Update following Government plans to remove ‘Plan B’ restrictions Update for students and offer holders about the next academic year Update on 2023 admissions tests for undergraduate entry Update on arrangements after 19 July Update on COVID health advice Update on end of term arrangements for students Update on Hilary term arrangements for students Update on planning for Michaelmas term 2021 Update on Statute XI Update on Trinity term testing Update on undergraduate admissions test provider Update to guidance on confidentiality in student welfare Update to student record retention policy Updated advice for staff and students who are clinically extremely vulnerable Updated complaints and disciplinary policies Updated COVID-19 advice for students and staff Updated for 2023: the University’s student record retention policy Updated guidance on international travel Updated guidance on lecture capture recordings Updated health guidance for all University members Updated health messaging for students Updated health messaging for students and staff Updated support and webinars for teaching staff ahead of Hilary term Updated undergraduate outreach privacy policy Updated: the University’s student record retention policy Updates for Trinity term exams Use of Third Party Proof-readers Useful Resources for Graduate Studies Administration Using Student Data Using the new Flexible and Inclusive Teaching Pathways to support students in changing circumstances Vacation welfare support Vaccine information for students Vaccine information now available for students Version Information Vice-Chancellor's Awards winners announced Vice-Chancellor's Colloquium celebrated Vice-Chancellor's Update for Academic Staff View the TMS Tutor Self Help Guides Visa training and updates Visa/passport copies and right to study check Visiting and Recognised Students Visiting Students Visiting, non-matriculated and international students WebLearn and Turnitin courses in Michaelmas term Welcoming new students What to do if you are worried about a student Which type of visa? Withdrawals Working during and after studies Written work ‘LFD Collect’ tests available from Tuesday 25 May