Examination adjustments
Exam adjustments |
Applications can be made for exam adjustments owing to disability and/or illness. Adjustments may include extra writing time, use of a computer, rest time, or use of assistive software. |
Applications are made by college officers via eVision. |
Dispensations | Dispensations are requests to Education Committee for the normal limits and rules set out in the Examination Regulations to be set aside for individual students, generally due to extenuating circumstances. |
Applications are made to Education Policy Support. |
Applications are made using eVision.
If access to the exam adjustment screens is required please contact your Information Custodian.
eVision instructions for Colleges are available in the Quick Reference Guide.
- Student declares disability, SpLD or illness to the university.
- Student provides supporting evidence and discusses potential appropriate exam adjustments with their college.
If the student is registered with the Disability Advisory Service (DAS) a Disability Advisor may assess the students requirements and prepare a Student Support Plan (SSP) providing recommendations for living accommodation, teaching and assessments.
- Medical recommendations and/or a Student Support Plan (SSP) to be provided to the students' college. College discusses recommendations with the student to ensure they are required.
- Where adjustments are recommended for teaching, DAS or the college to share details with the relevant department.
- Where adjustments are also required for exams the college submit an application via eVision, uploading medical evidence and/or a SSP provided to support the application.
- Exams Team consider the application and approve reasonable adjustments.
- Approved adjustments are confirmed to the college and department.
- The approved adjustments are recorded in eVision.
- The college notifies the student of approved adjustments.
If a student with exam adjustments is also taking exams organised by the department it is helpful if these details can be included in the application.
Students can find details of their exam adjustments that have been approved in Student Self Service and on their individual exam timetable.
Students are advised to apply for exam adjustments for their exams as early as possible and no later than Week 4 of the term before their exams are due to take place. Please note Week 9 of Trinity term is still considered to be part of Trinity term, so any applications for exams in that week should be submitted by Week 4 of Hilary term.
- Extra writing or rest time.
- Use of a word processor where the standard format of the exam is handwritten.
- To sit in-person exams in college for conditions that require a support work or managed rest time.
- Enlarged font papers for in-person exams for those with a visual impairment.
- Written instructions for in-person exams for those with a hearing impairment.
- Ergonomic or other seating arrangements for in-person exams.
- The scheduling of exams* at a specific time of day or only one exam scheduled per day.
- The scheduling of exams* to accommodate religious observances.
- Permission to bring food, drink and medication into an exam requires a signed letter from college.
- Some adjustments such as the use of assistive software or a scribe will need to be accommodated as an individual college sitting for in-person exams - do check with the Exams Team if you are unsure.
*Scheduling requests must be submitted by Week 4 of Michaelmas Term in order to be factored into exam timetables.
Ongoing exam adjustments apply for the duration of a student's course.
Temporary exam adjustments apply either for the year or the exam period.
Ongoing adjustments include:
- SpLDs
- Long term conditions and disabilities (for which an SSP will be required)
- Religious observance
Temporary adjustments include:
- Infection
- Injuries and surgery
- Changeable conditions such as anxiety, RSI, tendonitis
Trial adjustments:
- We strongly encourage students to trial their approved adjustment during collections, by attending a mock exam or orientation session at the Examination Schools, or using Inspera practice sites.
Sitting at the Examination Schools:
- Students will be informed of their room on the day of their exam.
- Students using a computer (for typing papers that are handwritten as standard) are provided with a PC, keyboard, mouse and script booklets and may type or write answers as they wish.
- Students with an SpLD will have spelling and grammar checking enabled on their computer.
- Students with an SpLD will be provided with a Inclusive Marking Guidelines/IMG form to attach to their work, it is their responsibility to attach the form.
Sitting online open-book exams:
Students will be able to see their exams in Inspera at least 48-hours, or earlier in most cases, before the paper is due to begin.
The duration of any extra writing and/or rest time will be visible to the student on the exam details page in Inspera. Students should manage their extra writing and rest timings. If additional support is required please liaise with the Exams Team at exams@admin.ox.ac.uk as to putting suitable adjustments in place for this.
Spell checking is enabled in Inspera for all students and all exams.
For students with a SpLD, their examiners will be informed of their SpLD on the eVision/SITS generated mark sheets and referred to the Inclusive Marking Guidelines/IMG form about the possible impact on their formally assessed coursework.
Sitting in college:
- Further guidance is available concerning:
- Guidance for College Examination Rooms (PDF)
- IT considerations for college sittings (PDF)
- The list of approved college invigilators is available on the College Invigilation SharePoint site
- The invigilator is required to collect the pack for that specific exam from the Examination Schools thirty minutes before the exam is due to start (unless prior approval has been sought to collect the pack earlier than 30 minutes prior).
Coursework and other assignments:
Extra time is not automatically applied for coursework and other assignments.
For Undergraduate or postgraduate taught students with a recorded SpLD adjustment, their examiners will be informed of their SpLD on the eVision/SITS generated mark sheets and referred to the Inclusive Marking Guidelines/IMG form about the possible impact on their formally assessed coursework.
Students who are having difficulties with their workload deadlines because of illness or other urgent cause are advised to discuss this their college. Further information on requesting extensions is available on the Submitted Assessments page and the Problems completing your assessment page.
Students who are having difficulties with workload deadlines because of their disability should discuss this with their tutor and with the Disability Advisory Service.
There may be other options available, and the extension of the course may be recommended.
Departmental exams and assessments:
- If a student with exam adjustments is taking exams or assessments administered by the department, their approved exam adjustments will need to be organised by the department.
In accordance with the deadlines published in the Examinations and Assessment Framework, exam adjustments will be granted for any exams taking place 5 working days after the application has been submitted.
Students experiencing difficulties sitting their exams are advised to:
- continue with exams as planned (without adjustment) and submit a mitigating circumstances notice to examiners if they feel their exams were impacted,
- attend some exams, if that is appropriate, and seek excusal for from those that will be missed/unable to sit (via Proctors),
- suspend or withdraw from exams to take them at another opportunity when adjustments can be put in place (noting any implications for course progression or completion).
Access is managed by your local Information Custodian.
For colleges: if you do not have access please contact your Information Custodian and request access to COLL_ADJ: College access to submit applications and COLL_READALT: View exam adjustment letter and and exam adjustments.
For departments: if you do not have access please contact your Information Custodian and request access DEPT_ADJ: Department access to submit applications and DEPT_READALT: View exam adjustment letters and exam adjustments.
- Applications for reasonable adjustments which require significant changes to university examinations are approved by or on behalf of Education Committee.
- The committee has delegated authority from Council to approve the necessary dispensations from the regulations required to put such changes into effect.
- Education Committee seeks supporting material from a number of sources in reaching decisions on applications of this type.
- Applications should be made by email to edcapplications@admin.ox.ac.uk, or through internal post to Education Policy Support
Further information on applying for dispensations is available here.
Contact us
Exams Team
Tel: 01865 616706
Email: exams@admin.ox.ac.uk
Tel: 01865 270091
Email: edcapplications@admin.ox.ac.uk