Guidance for IT Officers

Please refer to the relevant notes for each system below for guidance. There is no specific setup requirements for access to eVision, just a modern internet browser. 

SITS:Vision Student Data Feed (from the Core User Directory).

The SITS:Vision Student Data Feed is delivered via the Core User Directory (CUD). CUD is a central reference point or a directory that stores details of people associated with the University of Oxford. The directory holds information about students, researchers, tutors, staff and alumni. CUD consolidates records from a number of data sources.

Access to the SITS:Vision Student Data Feed should be requested by IT officers. They will need to complete and sign the CUD Attribute Set Agreement Form, and send it to the unit's Information Custodian for counter-signing. The IT Officer should then submit a HEAT Service Request for access to CUD, to which a scan of the completed form should be attached. For more information about requesting access to CUD via HEAT Service Requests, refer to the CUD Interfaces – Access

Student Trusted Contact Details (from the Core User Directory).

A student’s trusted contact details continue to be accessible using eVision Dataviews which remains the preferred source of this information, especially for regular users of eVision. Please see the Student Trusted Contact Details QRG  for guidance if necessary.

A student's trusted contact details can now be accessed through Core User Directory (CUD). If you wish to gain access to student trusted contact details via CUD then please see the CUD Access page for further information.


System Availability

All student systems available!

Please also see the System Availability page for details of the status of each system. For scheduled downtime please see the Notices page for further information.


Contact us

Student Systems
01865 (2)84848

Opening Hours: 
08:30 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
(excluding bank holidays & fixed closure days)