Proposed Changes to Statute XI

About Statute XI

Statute XI is part of the University statutes. Our statutes outline how the University of Oxford is governed – including key governance groups such as Congregation and Council, colleges and departments, libraries and museums, staff, students, property and discipline. 

Statute XI covers the University’s discipline for students, outlining the different codes of disciplines and procedures, and what happens if these are breached. It also covers discipline related to University membership. 

Proposals for changes to Statute XI

Changes to the statutes concerning sexual misconduct have been under discussion since 2018, and the proposals have been developed through several University committees, with student involvement and College feedback, since 2022. 

The proposed changes would allow the University to investigate more cases of serious misconduct (for example sexual violence) without complaints having to be made to the police first, and to align itself with new regulatory requirements, good practice guidance for the sector, and principles of trauma informed practice.   

Currently, if a student reports a serious incident (for example sexual violence), the University may decline to use its disciplinary procedures unless the matter has been reported to the police and they have investigated. This often leads to frustration from students and lengthy processes. 

In addition, there are currently three sets of regulations and the disciplinary procedure, which can make things confusing and difficult to navigate. Under the proposed changes, students would only need to look at a single comprehensive procedure (with different versions for academic and non-academic matters). 

The changes are designed to make the process more accessible, clearer, and more effective. They also bring the University into line with many of the colleges, and with external guidance from our regulators. 

The changes are not intended to create any fresh powers for the discipline of students relating to lawful protest. The University is subject to UK law in all its activities, including laws related to free speech, freedom of expression, and protest, as well as the University’s own policy on free speech.

Establishment of a Working Group to review the proposals 

In light of feedback from members of the University community in Trinity term 2024, a Working Group has been set up to consult further on the recommended changes to Statute XI.

Members of the Group include relevant university officials, a student appointed by the Student Union, and five members of Congregation (one appointed by Conference of Colleges and four appointed by each of the four divisional boards from within their own division) who will bring relevant experience and expertise to the Working Group. The terms of reference for the Group are available on the academic support site. 

The Group is consulting widely with members of academic staff and professional services, as well as students, to help inform their recommendations.  

Any amendments will take full account of the work needed to implement the new OfS Regulation on Harassment and Sexual Misconduct, as well as considering the legal context within which Statute XI operates (including, but not limited to, the Human Rights Act 1998, the Education (no. 2) Act 1986, the Equality Act 2010, and any associated domestic and international case law), and the protections and rights that this University has extended to its students, faculty, and staff (including, but not limited to, academic freedom as defined in the Statute XII reference to the UNESCO Recommendation).   

More Information

The consultation period will run from Week 7 in Michaelmas term 2024 to Week 3 in Hilary term 2025. An amended legislative proposal for changes to Statute XI will be submitted to Education Committee in Week 8 in Hilary term, to the General Purposes Committee in Week 2 of Trinity term and thereafter to Council in Week 4 of Trinity term. If approved by Council, the proposed changes to Statute XI will be submitted to Congregation before the end of term in order that any changes are in place for the 2025-26 academic year, to coincide with the introduction of the Office for Students’ (OfS) new condition (E6) of registration relating to harassment and sexual misconduct

If you have any questions, please contact Katherine Noren, Co-Director for Student Welfare and Support Services:  

Read the University statutes

University statutes


Statute XI consultation paper