Other surveys

Please consult the timeline and summary document for the full list of other surveys currently taking place.

Formerly the Destinations of Leavers from HE survey (before 2016) this survey is delivered by HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) to all UK Universities.

All graduates who completed a higher education course in the UK after August 2017 will be asked to take part in the survey 15 months after they finish their studies. The survey looks to understand whether students are in employment, have continued with further study or are doing something else and to what extent their qualification played a part. The results are used by Universities, the Government, charities, journalists, researchers and others to understand the higher education sector and the state of the graduate labour market.

Results from Oxford are available on this Tableau dashboard 

The Oxford U-Flourish Student Wellbeing and Academic Success Survey Study is a university-wide study, representing a collaboration between the Department of Psychiatry, Oxford Student Union, the University Student Welfare and Support Service, and Queen's University, Canada. The survey aims to better understand the determinants of student wellbeing and academic success, and to evaluate the mental health support needs of students. It also considers any barriers and gaps students experience if they access mental health care in Oxford.

The survey is sent in Michaelmas each year and takes approximately 10-15 minutes. A follow-up survey is sent in Trinity to students who have completed any of the previous surveys.

For further information see: https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/research/study-with-us

The Bodleian Library undertakes readership-wide surveys every 3 years as a way of understanding the breadth of readers' views and to feed into their strategic planning. They also undertake localised reader-specific surveys of particular groups of readers to assess specific services or feed into local decision-making. 

The results of the 2022 survey and a 'you said, we did' feedback page are summarised at: https://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/about/libraries/performance/reader-survey

The central University assists the Bodleian in preparing a list of students to survey and coordinating on dates and questions asked in other surveys around the same time of the year. The 2025 survey ran from 27 January to 24 February.  


The Digital Education Technologies Student Feedback Channel is run by the Centre for Teaching and Learning and aims to shape and improve the use of facilities like Canvas, Oxford Reading Lists Online (ORLO), Panopto, and Microsoft Teams.  More information, including details of how the University responded to feedback in 2024, can be found here