Overview of Inspera

  1. What is the difference between a 'question set' and 'test' in Inspera?
    Question set

    This is the content of the exam. It is what candidates see when they start their exam.

    The question set contains questions, areas for the candidate to respond, and information, PDFs or other resources (as required).


    This is the exam event.

    The test settings control the date and timings of the exam, which candidates it will be available to, whether security and grading features are enabled or disabled, and the information and actions candidates see before they start their exam and after they submit their responses. 

    At Oxford, the majority of tests are created automatically via an integration between eVision and Inspera.

    The relevant question set is then added to the test.


  2. What happens in each tab in Inspera? Think of each tab in Inspera as a consecutive step in the assessment process.
    inspera header and tabs

    The header in oxford.inspera.com/admin

    Tab Used to...
    Author Create, edit and share questions and question sets
    Deliver Create, edit and activate tests

    Monitor candidates progression through an assessment (have they started the exam?, what time did they submit their responses?, etc.)

    Perform actions in relation to a candidate or candidates (e.g. pause their exam, add incident time, attach a late document to their submission, etc.)

    Grade Access and/or mark submitted responses
    Report Not currently used at Oxford


  3. For a digital exam, who is responsible for the activity in each tab?
    Tab Overseen by...
    Author Department administrators and examiners
    Deliver Exams Schools
    Monitor Exams Schools (via Online Exam Support Desk)
    Grade Department administrators and examiners


  4. This differs from how Inspera is used for the submission of coursework. This diagram may help: 
inspera roles and responsibilities

More Inspera guidance



Contact us

Student Assessments

Student Registry
Examination Schools
75 – 81 High Street

For all exam related queries please email: exams@admin.ox.ac.uk