Office of the Independent Adjudicator

A student may apply to the OIA for a review of a decision made by the University when they remain dissatisfied with that decision. The OIA will only consider cases where all normal procedures for complaints and appeals have been exhausted and the student has been given a Completion of Procedures letter. The OIA will review cases about:

  • fairness of procedures
  • misrepresentation of facts, or when a complainant thinks not all facts have been considered
  • misrepresentation in communications
  • maladministration
  • bias and opinions outside the area of expertise

The OIA will not:

  • review a case which relates to a matter of academic judgement (any judgement made where only the opinion of an academic expert is accepted)
  • re-mark examination papers or comment on marks awarded, (but it will decide whether the University has followed its own procedures on assessment and marking correctly)


Contact us

Education Policy Support
University Offices
Wellington Square
Tel: 01865 270091

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