Joint Panel on Remission of Fees

Cases that the Joint Panel on Remission of Fees has considered include:

  • appeals against overseas fee status
  • disputes relating to the provision of fee information
  • clarification and interpretation of fee regulations
  • requests for waivers of fees on ill-health or disability grounds
  • requests relating to the University continuation charge
  • appeals against suspensions that have been imposed as a result of the non-payment of University fees

The Joint Panel on Remission of Fees does not consider financial hardship cases. Students experiencing financial hardship should apply to the relevant hardship fund committee. Most applications are received from current students through their college. Occasionally cases are received from colleges, departments or other bodies without the involvement of the student, typically where there is a query about the interpretation of fee regulations. Applicants to the University who wish to appeal against their fee status classification may apply direct to the Joint Panel on Remission of Fees. The Panel meets on Wednesday of week 3 of each term. Cases should be sent to the Secretary by Wednesday of week 1 of each term. Urgent cases received between meetings are considered by the Chair but may be held over to the next meeting. Applications on health or disability grounds are considered throughout the year on a rolling basis, and should be submitted to the Secretary as soon as they are ready. 

Application process

  • Applications relating to course fees should be discussed with an appropriate college officer
  • Applications relating to deposits and the University continuation charge should be discussed with an appropriate departmental officer
  • Applications should only be made to the Joint Panel on Remission of Fees if the college or department cannot resolve the issue through communication with the Student Fees and Funding Office
  • The college/department emails the Secretary to the Joint Panel on Remission of Fees with a statement setting out clearly:
    • the student’s name, course and student ID number
    • which fees are the subject of query or dispute
    • what resolution the student is seeking
    • the statement should be accompanied by any relevant supporting material and a comment from the college/department

Applications and supporting evidence should be emailed to

Contact us

Education Policy Support
University Offices
Wellington Square
Tel: 01865 270091