Fitness to Study

There are sometimes cases where questions arise as to whether a student is fit to study, or to return to study after a period of leave on account of medical, psychological, or emotional problems. Most such cases are dealt with under colleges' or departments' own procedures. Procedures for departments to follow in such cases may be downloaded from this webpage. There is also a University Fitness to Study Panel to which serious and difficult fitness to study cases can be referred if all other normal procedures at college or department level have been exhausted or are inappropriate.

Such cases may be referred to the Fitness to Study Panel by a college, a department or faculty, the Proctors, the Student Disciplinary Panel or the Student Appeal Panel.

The Panel has the power to decide (in the case of referrals by University authorities) or recommend (in the case of referrals by colleges) if a student is fit to study. The Panel considers medical and any other appropriate evidence, and submissions made by or on behalf of the student concerned. This stage of case consideration is usually reached after all other dispensations and adjustments have been exhausted.

Information for students is available in the Student Handbook (Proctors' and Assessor's Memorandum) and on the Student website. The Fitness to Study Panel is governed by statute XIII.

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