The Education Steering Group (ESG) has published the Expectations of Teaching and Assessment in Hilary Term 2021 document, which sets out the academic provision that students can expect assuming the University remains at BCP emergency response stage 3 and Department for Education Teaching Tier 3 (i.e. limited on-site activity permitted where it cannot be undertaken remotely).
The ambition remains to offer a flexible and inclusive educational approach which recognises and minimises the effects of barriers to participation, imposed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. For the majority of students, teaching and assessment will continue online throughout this term.
The expectations document is a reflection of emerging practice across the diverse collegiate University, following consultation with divisions, departments, faculties, colleges and Oxford SU. These expectations may change, in line with national or local circumstances, and the document will be reviewed on a termly basis. The document is now on the Academic Support website, and is publicly available.